Saturday, January 11, 2014 Eric Richards
Watch the intrepid red blob wind its way through the mountain slopes!

Last time, we discussed the implementation of our A* pathfinding algorithm, as well as some commonly used heuristics for A*.  Now we’re going to put all of the pieces together and get a working example to showcase this pathfinding work.

We’ll need to slightly rework our mouse picking code to return the tile in our map that was hit, rather than just the bounding box center.  To do this, we’re going to need to modify our QuadTree, so that the leaf nodes are tagged with the MapTile that their bounding boxes enclose.

We’ll also revisit the function that calculates which portions of the map are connected, as the original method in Part 1 was horribly inefficient on some maps.  Instead, we’ll use a different method, which uses a series of depth-first searches to calculate the connected sets of MapTiles in the map.  This method is much faster, particularly on maps that have more disconnected sets of tiles.

We’ll also need to develop a simple class to represent our unit, which will allow it to update and render itself, as well as maintain pathfinding information.  The unit class implementation used here is based in part on material presented in Chapter 9 of Carl Granberg’s Programming an RTS Game with Direct3D .

Finally, we’ll add an additional texture map to our rendering shader, which will draw impassible terrain using a special texture, so that we can easily see the obstacles that our unit will be navigating around.  You can see this in the video above; the impassible areas are shown with a slightly darker texture, with dark rifts.

The full code for this example can be found on my GitHub repository,, under the 33-Pathfinding project.

Thursday, January 02, 2014 Eric Richards

In our previous installment, we discussed the data structures that we will use to represent the graph which we will use for pathfinding on the terrain, as well as the initial pre-processing that was necessary to populate that graph with the information that our pathfinding algorithm will make use of.  Now, we are ready to actually implement our pathfinding algorithm.  We’ll be using A*, probably the most commonly used graph search algorithm for pathfinding.

A* is one of the most commonly used pathfinding algorithms in games because it is fast, flexible, and relatively simple to implement.  A* was originally a refinement of Dijkstra’s graph search algorithm. Dijkstra’s algorithm is guaranteed to determine the shortest path between any two nodes in a directed graph, however, because Dijkstra’s algorithm only takes into account the cost of reaching an intermediate node from the start node, it tends to consider many nodes that are not on the optimal path.  An alternative to Dijkstra’s algorithm is Greedy Best-First search.  Best-First uses a heuristic function to estimate the cost of reaching the goal from a given intermediate node, without reference to the cost of reaching the current node from the start node.  This means that Best-First tends to consider far fewer nodes than Dijkstra, but is not guaranteed to produce the shortest path in a graph which includes obstacles that are not predicted by the heuristic.

A* blends these two approaches, by using a cost function (f(x)) to evaluate each node based on both the cost from the start node (g(x)) and the estimated cost to the goal (h(x)).  This allows A* to both find the optimum shortest path, while considering fewer nodes than pure Dijkstra’s algorithm.  The number of intermediate nodes expanded by A* is somewhat dependent on the characteristics of the heuristic function used.  There are generally three cases of heuristics that can be used to control A*, which result in different performance characteristics:

  • When h(x) underestimates the true cost of reaching the goal from the current node, A* will expand more nodes, but is guaranteed to find the shortest path.
  • When h(x) is exactly the true cost of reaching the goal, A* will only expand nodes along the shortest path, meaning that it runs very fast and produces the optimal path.
  • When h(x) overestimates the true cost of reaching the goal from the current node, A* will expand fewer intermediate nodes.  Depending on how much h(x) underestimates the true cost, this may result in paths that are not the true shortest path; however, this does allow the algorithm to complete more quickly.

For games, we will generally use heuristics of the third class.  It is important that we generate good paths when doing pathfinding for our units, but it is generally not necessary that they be mathematically perfect; they just need to look good enough, and the speed savings are very important when we are trying to cram all of our rendering and update code into just a few tens of milliseconds, in order to hit 30-60 frames per second.

A* uses two sets to keep track of the nodes that it is operating on.  The first set is the closed set, which contains all of the nodes that A* has previously considered; this is sometimes called the interior of the search.  The other set is the open set, which contains those nodes which are adjacent to nodes in the closed set, but which have not yet been processed by the A* algorithm.  The open set is generally sorted by the calculated cost of the node (f(x)), so that the algorithm can easily select the most promising new node to consider.  Because of this, we usually consider the open list to be a priority queue.  The particular implementation of this priority queue has a large impact on the speed of A*; for best performance, we need to have a data structure that supports fast membership checks (is a node in the queue?), fast removal of the best element in the queue, and fast insertions into the queue.  Amit Patel provides a good overview of the pros and cons of different data structures for the priority queue on his A* page; I will be using a priority queue derived from Blue Raja’s Priority Queue class, which is essentially a binary heap.  For our closed set, the primary operations that we will perform are insertions and membership tests, which makes the .Net HashSet<T> class a good choice.

Monday, December 30, 2013 Eric Richards

This was originally intended to be a single post on pathfinding, but it got too long, and so I am splitting it up into three or four smaller pieces.  Today,we’re going to look at the data structures that we will use to represent the nodes of our pathfinding graph, and generating that graph from our terrain class.

When we were working on our quadtree to detect mouse clicks on the terrain, we introduced the concept of logical terrain tiles; these were the smallest sections of the terrain mesh that we wanted to hit when we did mouse picking, representing a 2x2 portion of our fully-tessellated mesh.  These logical terrain tiles are a good starting point for generating what I am going to call our map: the 2D grid that we will use for pathfinding, placing units and other objects, defining areas of the terrain, AI calculations, and so forth.  At the moment, there isn’t really anything to these tiles, as they are simply a bounding box attached to the leaf nodes of our quad tree.  That’s not terribly useful by itself, so we are going to create a data structure to represent these tiles, along with an array to contain them in our Terrain class.  Once we have a structure to contain our tile information, we need to extract that information from our Terrain class and heightmap, and generate the graph representing the tiles and the connections between them, so that we can use it in our pathfinding algorithm.

The pathfinding code implemented here was originally derived from Chapter 4 of Carl Granberg’s Programming an RTS Game with Direct3D .  I’ve made some heavy modifications, working from that starting point, using material from Amit Patel’s blog and BlueRaja’s C# PriorityQueue implementation.  The full code for this example can be found on my GitHub repository,, under the 33-Pathfinding project.


Thursday, December 12, 2013 Eric Richards

I came across an interesting bug in the wrapper classes for my HLSL shader effects today.  In preparation for creating a class to represent a game unit, for the purposes of demonstrating the terrain pathfinding code that I finished up last night, I had been refactoring my BasicModel and SkinnedModel classes to inherit from a common abstract base class, and after getting everything to the state that it could compile again, I had fired up the SkinnedModels example project to make sure everything was still rendering and updating correctly.  I got called away to do something else, and ended up checking back in on it a half hour or so later, to find that the example had died with an OutOfMemoryException.  Looking at Task Manager, this relatively small demo program was consuming over 1.5 GB of memory!

I restarted the demo, and watched the memory allocation as it ran, and noticed that the memory used seemed to be climbing quite alarmingly, 0.5-1 MB every time Task Manager updated.  Somehow, I’d never noticed this before…  So I started the project in Visual Studio, using the Performance Wizard to sample the .Net memory allocation, and let the demo run for a couple of minutes.  Memory usage had spiked up to about 150MB, in this simple demo that loaded maybe 35 MB of textures, models, code and external libraries…


Thursday, December 12, 2013 Eric Richards

Howdy, time for an update.  I’ve mostly gotten my terrain pathfinding code first cut completed; I’m creating the navigation graph, and I’ve got an implementation of A* finished that allows me to create a list of terrain nodes that represents the path between tile A and tile B.  I’m going to hold off a bit on presenting all of that, since I haven’t yet managed to get a nice looking demo to show off the pathfinding yet.  I need to do some more work to create a simple unit class that can follow the path generated by A*, and between work and life stuff, I haven’t gotten the chance to round that out satisfactorily yet.

I’ve also been doing some pretty heavy refactoring on various engine components, both for design and performance reasons.  After the last series of posts on augmenting the Terrain class, and in anticipation of adding even more functionality as I added pathfinding support, I decided to take some time and split out the code that handles Direct3D resources and rendering from the more agnostic logical terrain representation.  I’m not looking to do this at the moment, but this might also make implementing an OpenGL rendering system less painful, potentially.

Going through this, I don’t think I am done splitting things up.  I’m kind of a fan of small, tightly focused classes, but I’m not necessarily an OOP junkie.  Right now, I’m pretty happy with how I have split things out.  I’ve got the Terrain class, which contains mostly the rendering independent logical terrain representation, such as the quad tree and picking code, the terrain heightmap and heightmap generation code, and the global terrain state properties (world-space size, initialization information struct, etc).  The rendering and DirectX resource management code has been split out into the new TerrainRenderer class, which does all of the drawing and creates all of the DirectX vertex buffers and texture resources.

I’ll spare you all the intermediate gyrations that this refactoring push put me through, and just post the resulting two classes.  Resharper was invaluable in this process; if you have access to a full version of Visual Studio, I don’t think there is a better way to spend $100.  I shiver to think of how difficult this would have been without access to its refactoring and renaming tools.
