Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Eric Richards

Model Loading Code Updated to AssimpNet 3.3.1

Just a quick update today. I've updated the 3D model loading code to use the latest version of AssimpNet that is on Nuget now. The latest code is updated on GitHub.

The biggest changes appear to be that the AssimpImporter/Exporter classes have been merged into a single AssimpContext class that can do both. Some of the GetXXX methods to retrieve vertex elements and textures also appear to be replaced with properties. The way that one hooks into the internal Assimp logging has also changed. I haven't discovered many other changes, besides some additional file format support yet, but I haven't gotten around to really explore it that closely. Mildly irritating that the interface has changed here, but hey, at least it is being actively worked on (which is more than I can say for some of my stuff at times...).

I've been quite busy with work lately, so I haven't had a huge amount of time to work on anything here. I'm also a little burned out on doing straight DX11 graphics stuff, so I think I'm going to try to transition into doing some more applied work for a while. I've got some stuff in the pipeline on making simple games with Direct2D, and ideally I'd like to get involved with One Game a Month, to give me a little additional motivation.
